We came here to help: how foreign volunteers are defending Ukraine (video)

15 June 2024, 10:50

Since the outbreak of the large-scale war, foreign citizens from across the globe have rallied to support Ukrainians in their fight for independence. In the immediate aftermath of the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022, these volunteers flocked to Ukraine, bringing with them invaluable experience and skills honed in military conflicts worldwide to help fend off the enemy onslaught.

In March 2022, a wave of foreign volunteers began arriving in Ukraine from countries like Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, France, South Africa, and Poland. Drawn by a shared sense of purpose, these people brought their diverse backgrounds and expertise to the front lines. To join the fight, they had to meet strict criteria: they had to be aged between 18 and 45, equipped with relevant military experience, and in peak physical and health condition.

The unit featured in the video operates within the Separate Assault Battalion AREY of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army, a component of the 129th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It’s worth noting that this unit is independent and not part of the official International Legion of Ukraine.

The video was provided by the Ukrainian Volunteer Army.

Roman Malko

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