Russian missile strikes historic centre of Lviv, killing mother and her three children

4 September 2024, 13:41

On September 4, a Russian missile strike on residential areas in Lviv, western Ukraine, a city previously relatively shielded from such attacks, resulted in the deaths of seven people, including three children, and injured 64 others.

“After today’s attack, only the father of the family seen in this photo survived. His wife Yevgeniya and their three daughters—Yaryna, Daryna, and Emilia—were killed in their home,” Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy reported via Telegram.

Yaryna Bazylevych, the eldest daughter at 21, worked at the city hall. Neighbours recounted that during the attack, Yevgeniya was holding her younger children in her arms, but tragically, this did not prevent their deaths. “In the heart of Europe, Russia is killing Ukrainians and their families. The Russians are killing our children, our future. I don’t know what words to use to support this father. Today, we are all with you,” Sadovy added.

Andriy Godyk, First Deputy Head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, clarified that the recent attack specifically targeted civilians rather than military objectives. The strike inflicted damage primarily on historically significant architectural landmarks, including a telephone relay station serving 300 subscribers. Local residents have noted that there are no military facilities in proximity to the affected buildings.

On his Facebook page, Rada Deputy Mykola Kniazhytsky criticised Poland’s response to the assault: “That night, while missiles were raining down on Lviv, Poland once again deployed its fighter jets during a massive Russian attack. They launched them and merely monitored the situation. Clearly, this approach frustrates those who woke to explosions and suffered from the bombings today,” he wrote. “Simultaneously, surveys indicate that 58% of Poles support taking action against Russian missiles and drones that might pose a threat. This situation underscores a clear disconnect between public sentiment and political action. Are the Ukrainian victims not enough to warrant a decisive response?” he questioned.

Ihor Zinkevych, a deputy on the Lviv City Council, reported that “11 patients are in critical condition in Lviv hospitals.” He further disclosed that over 50 buildings in the city centre have sustained damage, with residents being relocated to six alternative locations. Additionally, two medical centres and two schools have been impacted.

Ukrainian TV station Suspilne.Lviv released footage documenting the aftermath of the attack. On the night of September 4, Russian forces deployed five Tu-95MS strategic bombers. The following morning, they also launched MiG-31K and Tu-22M3 aircraft.

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