Enhancing Ukrainian air defence: a closer look at the American Hawk operational system (Video)

10 July 2024, 13:14

The Ukrainian Air Force has recently unveiled their operational tactics for neutralising incoming outdated Russian aircraft using the ageing American-produced Hawk anti-aircraft missile system, known locally as ‘Yastrub’. In a video released by the Ukrainian Air Force, operators demonstrate the system’s capabilities, showcasing its missile launcher units and radar operations. Despite its outdated status and urgent deployment to enhance Ukraine’s ground-based air defence, the Hawk system has shown remarkable effectiveness in safeguarding Ukrainian airspace.

The acronym Hawk stands for Homing All the Way Killer. Initially commissioned by the U.S. Army in 1959, this system has undergone multiple upgrades over the years. Despite belonging to an earlier generation of anti-aircraft missile systems, Hawk served as the principal surface-to-air missile system for the United States and NATO countries during the Cold War era. While phased out by some countries like the U.S. in the 1990s, it continues to be operational in approximately two dozen nations worldwide.

The video released by the Ukrainian Air Force offers a detailed insight into Ukraine’s deployment of the Hawk system, specifically the advanced Phase III variant. This upgraded version has undergone digitalisation, enhancing its capability to engage multiple targets simultaneously and effectively intercept threats at low altitudes.

The Hawk system is engineered to intercept cruise and aircraft missiles. It employs a suite of radars capable of detecting targets at varying altitudes while also providing tracking and illumination capabilities. Following the launch, the missile uses reflected radar energy to target the illuminated threat.

“Regarding drone combat, it’s not its primary purpose,” Spanish instructors remarked during training for Ukrainian anti-aircraft crews, as seen in the video. Ukrainians remained resolute, stating, “We’ll manage, we’ll adapt! We have no other choice.” In their inaugural air defense engagement, they successfully neutralized six enemy drones.

Roman Malko

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