Daily Digest: Biden and Trump’s debates, Zelensky wants “clear and detailed” war end plan, another drone attack on Russian oil depot, Israel discusses delivery of patriots to Ukraine, another Russia’s Su-25 downed and Denmark’s F-16s delivery

28 June 2024, 16:09

Biden and Trump debates: Trump says Biden’s “weak stance” doesn’t “let Ukraine win”. During a debate with current President Joe Biden, US presidential candidate Donald Trump rejected the conditions proposed by Vladimir Putin for ending the war against Ukraine. Trump initially avoided answering a journalist’s question about Putin’s terms but later stated unequivocally that they were “unacceptable,” yet added that in his view, the United States is spending too much money on military aid to Ukraine. He reiterated his campaign promise to end the war in Ukraine if re-elected but did not provide specific details on how he plans to achieve this. He also expressed the view that, because of Biden’s “weak stance,” Ukraine “doesn’t win the war.” “I want to point out that Russia seized a lot of land during the Obama and Biden administrations. Under my watch – none. Putin knew he couldn’t toy with me. The war in Ukraine shouldn’t have started, and now he (Putin – ed.) will capture Ukraine,” Trump added. Earlier, it was reported that Trump’s advisors have suggested a strategy that involves stopping military aid to Ukraine if it refuses peace talks while warning Russia that rejecting negotiations would result in increased support for Kyiv, according to CNN.

Zelensky says he will offer a “clear and detailed” plan to end the war. Ukrainska Pravda reports that Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has announced that Ukraine is formulating a “clear and detailed” plan to end the war, which will be ready by the end of this year. Ukraine will unveil its comprehensive strategies addressing energy, food security, and prisoner exchanges in the coming months. “The diplomatic route we have chosen is our initiative, as we are the victims in this war. Following the peace summit, we are working on three key plans: energy, food security, and exchanges. I am confident that we will address these issues successfully. At the very least, we will have a detailed plan ready soon. Furthermore, we will develop and present a comprehensive plan for all other aspects of the peace formula, which will be shared with all our partners. It is crucial for us to present a plan to end the war that will garner support from the majority of the international community. This is the diplomatic path we are committed to pursuing,” Zelensky explained.

Drone attack on oil depot in Russia’s Tambov region. Russia reported a new nighttime drone attack resulting in a fire at an oil depot in the Tambov region. Governor Maksim Yegorov announced that at 4:35 am local time, a UAV strike hit an oil depot in the Michurinsk district, likely referring to the Michurinsk refinery, causing what he called a “small fire.” The fire has since been reportedly localised, but extinguishing efforts are still ongoing. Reportedly, there are no casualties, and the nearest settlement is 3 km away; the governor assured that residents would be evacuated if necessary. The Russian Ministry of Defence claimed to have destroyed 12 drones over the Bryansk region, 9 over the Smolensk region, one over the Voronezh region, 2 over the Kursk region, and 1 over the Rostov region. However, the ministry did not mention the strike on the oil depot in the Tambov region. Ukrainian authorities and military typically do not comment on strikes within Russian territory.

The US, Israel and Ukraine discuss the delivery of Patriots. The Financial Times has reported that the United States, Israel, and Ukraine are in discussions about supplying Kyiv with up to eight Patriot air defence systems, significantly boosting its capability to counter Russian air strikes. While the deal is not yet finalized, it would involve Israel sending the systems to the US before they are delivered to Ukraine. This potential arrangement marks a shift in Israel’s relations with Moscow, reflecting broader geopolitical adjustments. Israel has been cautious about taking sides in the conflict due to its interests in Syria, but the transfer of these crucial defence systems to Ukraine could represent a major change in its stance.

Ukraine shoots down another Russian Su-25. Ukrainian National Guard forces have successfully downed a Russian Su-25 ground attack aircraft in the Donetsk region. The operation was executed by a team from the 31st Brigade using a man-portable air defence system (MANPADS) known as “Igla.” The Su-25, nicknamed “Grach,” was intercepted and brought down during its combat mission, highlighting the Ukrainian air defence units’ capability to effectively counter Russian aerial threats, according to the National Guard of Ukraine.

Denmark says it has 19 F-16S to deliver by the ‘secret’ date this summer. Danish media outlet TV2 reported that Denmark has trained the first group of 50 Ukrainian specialists to maintain F-16 fighter jets, which will soon be integrated into the Ukrainian Air Force. Major General Jan Dam, Commander of the Royal Danish Air Force, stated that most of these specialists have returned to Ukraine to prepare for the arrival of the fighter jets. “We have completed training the first 50 pilots, most of whom have returned home to prepare for the arrival of the first fighter jets. After the summer break, we will start on the next group of 50,” says Jan Dam. The training program for Ukrainian pilots is designed to last six to eight months, with the first group of pilots currently learning to fly at night. Denmark plans to transfer the first of the 19 Danish F-16 jets to Ukraine during the summer, although exact dates remain undisclosed for operational security reasons. “I expect the schedule to hold, and you’ll be informed when the planes are ready in Ukraine,” he says, noting that the planes will operate from bases in Ukraine that are nearing operational status. Even with F-16 jets from the Netherlands and other countries, Ukraine will still be far from achieving full air superiority. “Achieving air superiority requires a more powerful air force and ground-based air defences,” says Dam. “Russia has stated that shooting down F-16 jets will be a top priority, so the deployment locations of the new jets remain secret,” he added. 

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