BBC: Kiev riot police retreat after storming protest bastions

11 December 2013, 14:46

The president said force would not be used against peaceful protesters. Nevertheless it was used.

Overnight, riot police and interior ministry officers had dismantled some barriers and tents, with police saying they were trying to free up a passage through the square for traffic.

Protesters in hard hats locked arms to form human walls to try to resist the police push. At least nine people were detained.

There were some reports of police using violence. And It was witnessed by some journalists that police  it had  been clubbing protesters.

“There were calls for restraint from priests, intoning prayers, and pop singer Ruslana – urging "Do not hurt us!" – on a stage in the square. More people flooded into the square in response to pleas for solidarity, eventually forcing the police into their retreat,” BBC reports.

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