MEP Marek Siwiec: visa facilitation policy is of crucial importance to convince Ukrainians in importance of EU-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement and Association Agreements

24 April 2013, 13:33

“We have already made a huge step towards signing of the Free Trade Agreement and Association Agreements. The conditions that were set up in December in the aftermath of the election are being fulfilled, not each of them, however, in the manner that we could have expected,” Siwiec claims.

“We are into the final straight of the EU-Ukraine Summit. It must be said directly that it is to be a crucial event which may change the course of Ukrainian history for many years,” emphasised member of the European Parliament.

READ ALSO: The Parliamentary Assembly Supports Ukraine on the Path to European Integration

“What Ukraine gets from the EU is the know-how; instructions on how to reform the country, how to use European help and European market. The decision about signing the agreements requires a lot of internal changes but it also requires citizens' belief that it is not just a whim but a long-term policy which enforces also the EU. What will be of crucial importance in convincing Ukrainians is the visa facilitation policy which will hopefully end up with a complete visa waivering,” underlided Marek Siwiec.

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