Former chief editor at The Ukrainian Week joins frontline defence

17 May 2024, 14:47

I’m pressed for time, so I won’t elaborate much.

Since September, I’ve held the position of chief editor at Tyzhden/The Ukrainian Week. It’s been the most fulfilling role I’ve ever had, and parting with it during peacetime would have been regrettable. Unfortunately, we’re not in peacetime now. Some Ukrainians enlisted right at the start of full-scale mobilisation, others have been on the front line since 2014, and some, like myself, have just received their military summons papers. Of course, there are also those who opt to stay home to dodge the draft. Each individual decides their course of action until the state calls upon them.

And the state’s calls have been varied. Some have received more, others less, and some none at all. At least, that’s been the case until now. Many are anxiously awaiting May 18…

These past six months at Tyzhden/The Ukrainian Week have been a mix of challenges and rewards. We’ve revamped our website, diversified our content, retained our top authors, and brought in new voices. And we’ve just rolled out another substantial special edition. I hope we’ve met the expectations of our loyal readers and enticed new ones.

Perhaps some have noticed other changes, and these changes will continue. After all, the key is to keep moving forward. Especially in the times we’re living and working in, it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to stand still.

It wouldn’t hurt for someone to take on this position at Tyzhden/The Ukrainian Week for much longer than I have. I hope it will happen. Tyzhden/The Ukrainian Week now has a new editor-in-chief — Margaryta Dykalyuk. It will undoubtedly be challenging for her at first. But I have no doubt that she’ll rise to the occasion. I’ve known her for many years as a reliable and professional individual.

I’ll always hold dear the connections I’ve forged with my colleagues at this publication. A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you. Here’s to wishing all of us good health and continued success!

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