A wolf in sheep’s clothing

2 February 2018, 12:41

55% of Ukrainians are convinced that the country needs new faces. Add to this the lost trust in most state institutions, disapproval of various government branches, and frustration with the outcome of the Maidan, and the space for the appearance of new faces in Ukraine’s politics is as vast as never before.

In the meantime, the Kremlin’s desire to use the conflicting points inside Ukraine against it is not a myth. It is one of the key threats after Russia was stopped on the military and economic fronts.

In this situation, average residents find themselves in a state of confusion: on the one hand, they risk blindly playing into the interest of the enemy. On the other hand, they can turn into silent observers of clumsy and harmful actions of Ukraine’s current political elite. 2018 is the last year before the 2019 elections, and the last chance for a potential new leader to come to the scene and have enough time to gain political weight. The Ukrainian Week has tried to figure out what kind of a leader this could be and which of his or her actions can be risky for Ukraine. The criteria presented in this image are not exhaustive, and each taken individually does not necessarily signal an evil intent. What is presented here is a generalized portrait of a nominal new leader Ukrainians would support. One advice we can give, however, is to avoid admiration of anyone and always ask who can benefit from every new face.

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