Ukraine lands low in the Rule of Law Index by the World Justice Project

10 July 2013, 09:49

The Rule of Law Index was measured in three domains, including general with 97 countries, regional with Eastern Europe and CIS states except for Turkmenistan, and welfare with 23 countries with comparable GDPs.

By government accountability, Ukraine is 87th out of 97; 17th out of 21 countries of the region and 20th out of 23 countries with comparable GDPs. This means that Ukrainian laws do not restrict government officials; corruption thrives in the police, courts, executive branch and legislature; and government officials are not held to account for violations.

By the level of corruption, the Index lists Ukraine 94th out of 97, 21st in the region and 20th among the GDP-peers.

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As to criminal justice (efficiency of investigations, unbiased procedures and compliance with rights and laws), Ukraine ranked 79 in the general rating, 18 in the region and 13 among comparable GDP countries.

In terms of fair application of laws (adoption of laws based on political interests, selective application of laws and respect for the administrative process), Ukraine landed 91st, the last among the region’s countries and 22nd among the countries with comparable GDP.

Meanwhile, things are better with security in Ukraine. In this category, it is 44th out of 97 countries, 15th in the region and 6th among the countries with comparable GDP. Protection of fundamental rights including freedom of religion and the lack of discrimination put Ukraine at the 56th position out of 97, 14th in the region and 11th among GDP-peers.

Major research in Ukraine covered Kyiv, Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk.

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The world’s leaders in terms of the rule of law are determined based on eight factors. Nordic countries lead the Index by all criteria, followed by the EU states, Singapore and Botswana. Egypt and Tunisia are in the middle, while Ukraine, Russia, Venezuela and Uzbekistan lag behind. 

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